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作者:Nick Stirk
譯者 : 王青
ISBN : 978-986-5953-48-5












.資深商務英語教學專家傾力打造,不但是商務英語電子郵件寫作的入門書,也是超級實用的商務       電子郵件寫作嚮導!
















  本書作者Nick Stirk不但是英語寫作及口語暢銷書作者,且先後在中國北京大學、清華大學等校講授研究生口語和寫作課程,並參與編寫多部英語教材。

























作者/Nick Stirk














How to Use E-mails for Business


第一章 通用表達

PART 1 General Expressions


1 日常通信 Everyday Correspondence

1.常用商務縮寫 Common Business Abbreviations

2.開頭語與結尾語 Openings and Closings

3.致謝 Expressing Thanks

4.祝福 Expressing Good / Best Wishes

5.道歉 Apologies

6.表示弔唁 / 慰問 Expressing Condolences

7.表示同情 Expressing Sympathy

8.邀請 Invitations

9.提醒 Reminders

10.請求幫助 Requesting Help

11.提供幫助 Offering Help

12.提出建議 Giving Suggestions

13.警告 Giving Warnings

14.提出意見 Giving Advice

15.讚賞 Appreciation

16推薦 Recommendations

17.祝賀 Congratulations

18.投訴 Complaints

19.預約 Appointments

20.歡迎 Welcome

21.附件 Attachments

22.取消 Cancellations


2 資訊 Information

23.詢問聯繫方式 Asking for Contact Information

24.安排時間 / 制訂計畫 Arranging Time and Making Plans

25.傳達一般的資訊 Conveying Neutral News

26.傳達好消息 Conveying Good News

27.傳達壞消息 Conveying Bad News

28.索取資訊 Requesting Information

29.公告或通知 Announcements or Notices

30.確認郵件 Confirmation Message

31.闡明 Clarification

32.更新 Update


3.請求和批准 Requests and Approvals

33.向員工徵求意見 Request for Employee Suggestions

34.申請信用授權(企業對企業) Request for Credit Approval (Business to Business)

35.請信用授權(消費者對企業) Request for Credit Approval (Consumer to Business)

36.徵求計畫書 Request for Proposal (RFP)

37.申請購買辦公設施 Request for Buying Office Facilities

38.申請延長截止日期 Request for Deadline Extension

39.招標 Request for Bids

40.要求提交預算 Request for Budgets

41.批准員工的意見 Approval for Employee Suggestion

42.批准信用狀(企業對企業) Approval for Credit Application (Business to Business)

43.批准信用狀(企業對消費者) Approval for Credit Application (Business to Consumer)

44.准計畫書 Approval for Proposal

45.准購買辦公設施 Approval for Buying Office Facilities

46.批准延長截止日期 Approval for Deadline Extension

47.批准投標 Approval for Bids

48.批准預算 Approval for Budget


4.拒絕 Rejections

49.拒絕意見 Suggestion Rejection

50.拒絕信用狀申請(企業對企業) Credit Application Rejection (Business to Business)

51.拒絕信用狀申請(企業對消費者) Credit Application Rejection (Business to Consumer)

52.絕建議 Proposal Rejection

53.拒絕購買辦公設施 Buying Office Facilities Rejection

54.拒絕延長截止日期 Deadline Extension Rejection

55.拒絕投標 Bid Rejection

56.拒絕預算 Budget Rejection


5.態度 Attitudes

57.驚訝 Surprise

58.高興 Gladness

59感謝和欽佩 Appreciation and Admiration

60.鼓勵 Encouragement

61.關心與關注 Care and Concern

62.表達祝願 Expressing Wishes

63.表達意向 Stating Intentions

64.指出重要性 Expressing Importance

65.表示能力 Expressing Ability

66.請求許可 Asking for Permission

67.應不應該? Should I or Shouldn't I?

68.贊同與不贊同 Agreeing and Disagreeing

69.喜歡與不喜歡 Likes and Dislikes

70.表達偏好 Expressing Preferences

71.表示有興趣 Expressing Interest

72.表示好奇 Expressing Curiosity

73.責備與抱怨 Blaming and Complaining

74.肯定與不肯定 Certainty and Uncertainty

75.可能與不可能 Possibility and Impossibility

76.猜測 Guesses


6 時間和空間 Time and Space

77.時間 Time

78.頻率 Frequency

79.次序和順序 Sequence and Order

80.速度 / 速率 Speed / Velocity

81.同時性 Simultaneity

82.連續性 Continuity

83.位置 Position

84.方向 Direction

85.距離 Distance

86.面積和體積 Area and Volume

87.形狀 Shape / Form

88.顏色 Color

89.材料 Material

90.感覺 Feelings

91.質地 Texture

92.價值 Value

93.數 Numbers

94.數量 Amount

95.充足與不足 Sufficiency and Insufficiency

96.過量 Excess

97.基礎運算 Basic Arithmetic

98.倍數和百分比 Multiples and Percentages

99.增加和減少 Increase and Decrease

100.基礎測量(長、寬等) Basic Measurements (Length, Width, etc.)

101.近似值和平均值 Approximate Value and Average Value

102.比率和比例 Ratios and Proportions

103.最大值和最小值 Maximums and Minimums


第二章 情境表達

PART 2 Situational Expressions


8 通知 Making Notices

104.通知開會 Announcing Meetings

105.更改開會時間Changing the Meeting Time

106.宣布培訓計畫 Announcement of Training Programme

107.通知放假 Announcing Holidays

108.通知聚會 Announcing Parties

109.費用報銷 Reimbursement of Expenses

110.清理辦公桌政策 Clean Desk Policy

111.新分店開張 Opening a New Branch

112.地址變更 Change of Address

113.合併 Mergers

114.停電 Power Shutting Down


9.公司介紹 Company Introduction

115.公司介紹——製造業 Company Introduction-Manufacturing Industry

116.公司介紹——旅遊服務 Company Introduction-Tourism Service

117.公司介紹——進出口公司 Company Introduction-Import & Export Co.

118.公司介紹(簡介) Company Profile (Brief)

119.發布消息 Press Release

120.發布(好)消息 Press Release (Good News)

121.發布(壞)消息 Press Release (Bad News)

122.宗旨聲明 Mission Statement

123.品質控制原則聲明 Policy Statement on Quality Control


10. 會議相關的文書寫作 Writing About Conferences

124.會議通知 Conference Notice

125.會議邀請 Invitation to Conference

126.邀請嘉賓做主題發言人 Inviting Someone to be the Keynote Speaker

127接受邀請 Accepting the Invitation

128.拒絕邀請 Refusing the Invitation

129.會議議程 Conference Agenda

130.會議消息 Conference Message

131.感謝嘉賓發言 Thanks for Making Your Speech

132.提出邀請 Making an Invitation

133.回覆邀請 Replying to an Invitation

134.會後聯繫 Post-Conference Contac


11. 聯繫客戶 Connecting with Clients

135.邀請客戶訪問公司 Inviting a Client to Visit the Company

136.客戶的訪問要求 A Client’s Proposed Visit

137.回覆客戶的訪問要求 Responding to the Proposed Visit

138.更改來訪時間 Changing the Time of the Visit

139.旅館預訂 Hotel Reservation

140.感謝熱情接待 Expressing Gratitude for a Warm Reception

141.訪問後的後續 Follow-up After the Visit

142.致客戶的第一封電子郵件 First E-mail to a Client

143.請客戶寫推薦信 Asking a Client to Write a Recommendation


12. 市場行銷與銷售Marketing and Sales

144.新產品發布 The Launch of a New Product

145.銷售信函(首次接洽) Sales Letter (First Contact)

146.銷售通函 Form Sales Letter

147.銷售信函(根據聯繫方式追蹤銷售) Sales Letter (Following a Contact)

148.銷售信函(根據銷售記錄追蹤銷售) Sales Letter (Following a Sale)

149.銷售信函(沉寂的顧客) Sales Letter (Inactive Customer)

150.收賬信函(首次通知) Collection Letter (First Notice)

151.收賬信函(再次通知) Collection Letter (Second Notice)

152.收賬信函(最後通知) Collection Letter (Final Notice)

153.問卷調查1(消費者) Questionnaire 1 - Customers

154.問卷調查2(供應商) Questionnaire 2 – Suppliers

155.問卷調查3(雇員) Questionnaire 3 - Employees


13. 貿易與服務 Trade and Service

156.詢問公司的情況 Asking for Information About a Company

157.介紹公司 Introducing a Company

158.詢問產品資訊 Asking for Product Information

159.介紹產品及報價 Introducing Products and Quoting Prices

160討價還價 Negotiating Prices

161.下訂單 Placing an Order

162.確認訂單 Confirming an Order

163.催貨 Urging Delivery

164.為交貨延遲而道歉 Apologizing for Delayed Delivery

165.催促付款 Urging Payment

166.請求延期付款 Requesting Deferred Payment

167.索取資訊1 Asking for Information 1

168.索取資訊2 Asking for Information 2

169.交貨延遲1 Delivery Delay 1

170.交貨延遲2 Delivery Delay 2

171.瑕疵品 Defective Items

172.價格更正通知 Price Increase Notification

173.不能完成訂單 Unable to Fulfill This Order

174.道歉 Apology

175.道歉與補償 Apology and Remedy

176.道歉與解釋 Apology and Explanation

177.(嚴重的)投訴 Complaint (Serious)

178.(一般的)投訴 Complaint (Basic)


14.人力資源 Human Resources

179.管理階層人事變動的通知 Announcing Changes in Leadership

180.確認升職 Promotion Confirmation

181.升職公告Notification of Promotion

182.歡迎新同事Welcome a New Member

183.解除(僱用)合約 Terminating the Contract

184.申請批准公費培訓項目 Request for Approval in Sponsoring Training Programme

185.辭職信 Resignation Message

186.請求加薪或升職 Request for Raise or Promotion


15.工作面試 Job Interviews

187.職位描述(簡介) Job Description (Brief)

188.招聘廣告 Job Advertisement

189.雇主的後續回信(勝出的候選人) Employer’s Follow-up Letter (Strong Candidate)

190.雇主的後續回信(不符合條件的候選人) Employer’s Follow-up Letter (Unqualified Candidate)

191.僱用通知書 Job Offer Letter

192.推薦信(升職) Recommendation (Promotion)

193.推薦信(有競爭力的候選人) Recommendation (Strong Candidate)

194.推薦信(有保留意見) Recommendation (With Reservations)


15 工作面試 Job Interviews

195.申請函 Application Letter

196.請求寫推薦信 Recommendation Request Letter

197.職位申請書 Application Essay

198.職位接受函 Job Acceptance Letter

199.感謝推薦人 Thank You for Your Reference

200.面試後的追蹤函 Interview Follow-up Letter

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